Suzuki maintenance and workshop manual
The Suzuki Jimny is a line of off-road cars from Suzuki yielded because 1968.The history of Suzuki four-wheel-drive vehicles dates with 1968.The Jimny8/LJ80 was an up-to-date adaptation of the LJ50 with an 800 cc, four-stroke, in-line four-cylinder engine, followed by
Suzuki Sierra Vitara 4WD 1988 2000 Gregorys Service Repair Manual
Suzuki Sierra / Vitara 4WD 1988 - 2000 Gregorys Owners Service Repair Manual - Holden DroverNEW - softcover Other Suzuki Repair Manuals click here Suzuki Sierra / Vitara 4WD 1988 - 2000 Gregorys Owners Service Repair Manual covers 4WD Wagon.Models Covered: #9679; Suzuki Sierra 1990 - 2000 (also sold as the Holden Drover) #9679; Suzuki Vitara 1988 - 1998Engines Covered: #9679; 1.0 litre (F10A) #9679; 1.3 litre (G13B) #9679; 1.6 litre carburettor (G16A) #9679; 1.6 litre EFI (G16B)Contents: #9679; Introduction #9679; Safety First #9679; Roadside Repairs #9679; Routine Maintenance #9679; Engine #9679; General Engine Overhaul Procedures #9679; Cooling Heating Air Conditioning Systems #9679; Fuel Exhaust Systems #9679; Engine Electrical Systems #9679; Emission Control Systems #9679; Manual Transmission #9679; Automatic Transmission #9679; Transfer Case #9679; Clutch Drivetrain #9679; Braking System #9679; Suspension and Steering #9679; Body Equipment #9679; Electrical System #9679; Wiring DiagramsNOTE: Only maintenan
Suzuki Intruder Marauder Volosia Automotive Repair Manual
Suzuki Intruder Marauder Volosia Automotive Repair Manual by Alan AhlstrandGet other Suzuki repair manuals hereHaynes manuals are written specifically for the do-it-yourselfer yet are complete enough to be used by professional mechanics. Since 1960 Haynes has produced manuals written from hands-on experience based on a vehicle teardown with hundreds of photos and illustrations making Haynes the world leader in automotive repair information. Integracar attempts to offer a significant spectrum of repair manuals. Even so repair manuals can sometimes be prepared for dissimilar nations and the motor cars designed for those countries. Therefore not all maintenance manuals may be relevant for your individual motor vehicle. If you have any questions whether or not a specific owners manual is accurate for your automobile do not hesitate to get in contact with us hereSuzuki Intruder Marauder Volosia Automotive Repair Manual by Alan Ahlstrand
Suzuki Sierra Vitara 1986-2001 Workshop repair manual
NEW - softcover Other Suzuki Repair Manuals click here US manual covering the Samurai (known as the Sierra/Holden Drover in Australia) Sidekick (Vitara) and X-90 along with the Geo/Chevrolet Tracker from 1986 to 2001 Haynes Owners Service Repair Manual covers all 4 cylinder petrol models. Engines covered:- 1.3 litre (1298 cc) SOHC (G13BA) 4 cylinder -1.3 litre (1324 cc) SOHC (G13A) 4 cylinder -1.6 litre (1590 cc) SOHC (G16A) 4 cylinder - 2.0 litre (1995 cc) DOHC (J20A) 4 cylinderDoes not cover information specific to 1.8-litre 4 cylinder or V6 models.Inside this manual you will find: Routine Maintenance tune-up procedures engine repair cooling and heating air-conditioning fuel and exhaust emissions control ignition brakes suspension and steering electrical systems and wiring diagrams.Haynes repair manuals can save you money on maintenance and repair bills. Step-by-step procedures and illustrations guid
Suzuki TL1000S/R and DL1000 V-strom Service and Repair Manual
Suzuki TL1000S/R and DL1000 V-strom Service and Repair Manual by Matthew CoombesGet other Suzuki repair manuals hereHaynes offers the best coverage for cars trucks vans SUVs and motorcycles on the market today. Each manual contains easy to follow step-by-step instructions linked to hundreds of photographs and illustrations. Included in every manual: troubleshooting section to help identify specific problems; tips that give valuable short cuts to make the job easier and eliminate the need for special tools; notes cautions and warnings for the home mechanic; color spark plug diagnosis and an easy to use index. Integracar aims to supply a significant array of workshop guides. All the same owners manuals can be produced for numerous different nations and the motor vehicles manufactured for those countries. That is why not all service manuals may be fitting for your individual vehicle. If you have any important questions whether a selected maintenance manual is right for your vehicle please e-mail us hereSuzuki TL1000S/R and DL1000 V-strom Service and Repair Manual by Matthew Coombes
Suzuki GS850 Fours 1978-88 Owner s Workshop Manual
Suzuki GS850 Fours 1978-88 Owner s Workshop Manual by Martyn MeekGet other Suzuki repair manuals hereHaynes disassembles every subject vehicle and documents every step with thorough instructions and clear photos. Haynes repair manuals are used by the pros but written for the do-it-yourselfer. Integracar aims to supply a broad assortment of servicing guides. Never the less service manuals can possibly be prepared for totally different countries and the automobiles designed for those nations. Which is why not all workshop manuals may be relevant for your specific car. If you have enquiries whether a selected owners manual is right for your motor vehicle please e-mail us hereSuzuki GS850 Fours 1978-88 Owner s Workshop Manual by Martyn Meek
Suzuki Vitara, Santana, SJ413, Samurai and X-90, 1987-98
Suzuki Vitara Santana SJ413 Samurai and X-90 1987-98 by Chilton EditorialGet other Suzuki repair manuals hereTotal Car Care is the most complete step-by-step automotive repair manual you ll ever use. All repair procedures are supported by detailed specifications exploded views and photographs. From the simplest repair procedure to the most complex trust Chilton s Total Car Care to give you everything you need to do the job. Save time and money by doing it yourself with the confidence only a Chilton Repair Manual can provide. Integracar aims to supply a considerable array of maintenance guides. All the same maintenance manuals can sometimes be released for a range of countries and the automobiles engineered for th
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How to Custom Paint Your Motorcycle by JoAnn BortlesWe re in the midst of the biggest boom in motorcycle customization since the days of Easy Rider. Today s custom bikes are regarded as rolling art with custom paint jobs that can cost thousands - or even tens of thousands! - of dollars. Custom painter and author JoAnn Bortles offers a primer on painting basics but mainly focuses on more elaborate paint schemes and techniques that produce head-turning results. Popular chopper and cruiser paint elements such as skulls flames and candy paints are covered as are techniques for custom painting sport bikes. Integracar attempts to present a broad number of owners guides. Then again owners manuals may just be manufactured for varying countries and the motor cycle released for those countries. This is why not all maintenance manuals may be right for your particular vehicle. If you have enqu
Suzuki GSX 1300R Hayabusa
Suzuki GSX 1300R Hayabusa by Matthew CoombsGet other Suzuki repair manuals hereHaynes offers the best coverage for cars trucks vans SUVs and motorcycles on the market today. Each manual contains easy to follow step-by-step instructions linked to hundreds of photographs and illustrations. Included in every manual: troubleshooting section to help identify specific problems; tips that give valuable short cuts to make the job easier and eliminate the need for special tools; notes cautions and warnings for the home mechanic; color spark plug diagnosis and an easy to use index. Integracar endeavors to present a considerable spectrum of service guides. Although service manuals can be manufactured for varying countries and the cars designed for those nations. Fot that reason not all workshop manuals may be ideal for your particular motor vehicle. If you have any questions whether a certain owners manual is eligible for your vehicle feel free to e-mail us hereSuzuki GSX 1300R Ha
Suzuki SJ Series Sierra Samurai and Vitara 4 cyl Petrol 1982 1997 UK
Suzuki SJ Series Sierra Samurai and Vitara (4-cylinder) Petrol 1982 - 1997 Haynes Owners Service Repair Manual plus Holden Drover 1984-1985 Get Other Suzuki Car Repair Manuals click here NEW softcover Suzuki SJ Series Sierra Samurai and Vitara (4-cyl) Petrol 1982 - 1997 Haynes Owners Service Repair Manual covers models: #9679; SJ410 and SJ413 (sold in Australia as the Sierra and Holden Drover) #9679; Santana #9679; Samurai #9679; Vitara (with the 1.6-litre engine)4 Cylinder Engines Covered: #9679; 1.0 litre (970 cc) #9679; 1.3 litre (1298 cc) #9679; 1.3 litre (1324 cc) #9679; 1.6 litre (1590 cc)Includes Holden Drover 1984 - 1985Does NOT cover Diesel models or V6 engines.Contents: #9679; Living With Your Suzuki #9679; Roadside Repairs #9679; Routine Maintenance #9679; Engine #9679; General Engine Overhaul Procedures #9679; Cooling Heating Air Conditioning Systems #9679; Fuel Exhaust Systems #9679; Engine Electrical System #9679; Emissions Engine Control Systems #9679; Manual Transmission #9679; Automatic Transmission #9679; Transfer Case #9679; Clutch and Driveline #9679; Brakes #9679; Suspension Steering Sys
Suzuki GSX600/750F and GSX750 Service and Repair Manual
Suzuki GSX600/750F and GSX750 Service and Repair Manual by Matthew CoombsGet other Suzuki repair manuals hereWith a Haynes manual you can do it yourself...from simple maintenance to basic repairs. Haynes writes every book based on a complete teardown of the motorcycle. We learn the best ways to do a job and that makes it quicker easier and cheaper for you. Our books have clear instructions and plenty of photographs that show each step. Whether you re a beginner or a pro you can save big with Haynes! - Step-by-step procedures - Easy-to-follow photos - Complete troubleshooting section - Valuable short cuts - Model history and pre-ride checks in color - Color spark plug diagnosis and wiring diagrams - Tools workshop tips section in color Complete coverage for your Suzuki GSX600 GSX750F and GSX750 for 1998 to 2002: - Routine Maintenance and servicing - Tune-up procedures - Engine clutch and transmission repair - Cooling system - Fuel and exhaust - Ignition and electrical systems - Brakes wheels an
Suzuki Vitara, Sidekick and Geo Tracker 4 X 4 Performance Portfolio, 1988-97
Suzuki Vitara Sidekick and Geo Tracker 4 X 4 Performance Portfolio 1988-97 by R. M. ClarkeGet other Suzuki repair manuals hereAfter the success of the SJ models in Europe the company introduced the Vitara in 1988 to appeal to those who wanted style as well as better off-road performance and handling. at a modest price. In the US the Vitara was marketed as the Sidekick which was so popular General Motors built it under license at the Geo Tracker. This is a book of contemporary road and comparison tests specification and technical data new model introductions driving impressions design and engineering used car profile. Models covered include: - Vitara JLX Geo Tracker Soft Top JLX SE Sidekick JLX V6 Tracker Lsi Sport JLX. Integracar attempts to render a substantial array of repair manuals. Conversely maintenance manuals can be created for a range of nations and the motor cars released for those countries. So not all repair manuals may be appropriate for your particular automobile. If you have any important questions whether a selected service manual is relevant for your automobile please get in contact with us hereSuzuki Vitara Sidekic
Suzuki Sierra and Vitara 1990 - 2000 Haynes Repair Manual
Sierra 1990 - 2000 1.0 litre (F10A) petrol 1.3 litre (G13B) petrol 1.6 Litre (G16A) petrol 1.6 Litre MPI (G16B) petrolVitara 1988-1998 1.0 litre (F10A) petrol 1.3 litre (G13B) petrol 1.6 Litre (G16A) petrol 1.6 Litre MPI (G16B) petrolExclusions: V6 engine
The history of Suzuki four-wheel-drive vehicles dates with 1968. Suzuki purchased past Japanese automaker Hope Motor Company that had introduced fifteen little off-road cars called the HopeStar ON360. The initially Suzuki-branded 4-wheel drive, the LJ10, was introduced inside 1970. The LJ10 had a 359 cc air-cooled, two-stroke, in-line two-cylinder engine. The liquid-cooled LJ20 was introduced inside 1972 with all the cooling changed due with newly enacted emission laws, plus it gained 3 hp. In 1975, Suzuki complemented the LJ20 with all the LJ50, that had a bigger 539 cc, two-stroke, in-line three-cylinder engine plus bigger differentials. This was initially targeted at the Australian marketplace, however more exports shortly followed.
The Jimny8/LJ80 was an up-to-date adaptation of the LJ50 with an 800 cc, four-stroke, in-line four-cylinder engine, followed by the Jimny 1000/SJ410 plus Jimny 1300/SJ413. An up-to-date variation of the SJ413 became well-known as the Samurai plus was the initial Suzuki officially advertised inside the US. The series from SJ410 with SJ413 was termed as the Sierra inside Australia, plus stayed the Jimny inside certain markets.
The brand-new Jimny was introduced inside 1998, plus today bears the same name in every markets. The 1998 launch selected the G13BB EFI engine, changed by the M13AA EFI engine inside 2001 as well as the M13AA VVT engine inside 2005, inside combination with a minor interior redesign.
Suzuki's initially move forward acquiring the rights with the ON360 was rebodying it plus substituting the Mitsubishi engine with an air-cooled 359 cc Suzuki "FB" two-cylinder two-stroke that yielded 25 hp. Because the new device stayed small than 360 cc, plus Suzuki located the spare tire inside the truck with keep it beneath 3 meters inside total size, it was categorized because a kei automobile, conferring certain taxes privileges plus different advantages. Whenever it was introduced inside 1970 it was the initial four-wheel drive kei vehicle with enter series creation. The LJ10 Jimnys had sixteen inch wheels, weighed 590 kg, plus had a top speed of 75 km/h. The engine was shortly uprated with a 27 hp variation, however said top speed stayed unchanged.
The LJ was up-to-date inside May 1972 plus renamed the LJ20. The grille bars were changed from horizontal with vertical for the LJ20. The engine was changed with a water-cooled device, as well as its 28 hp enabled the LJ with reach 80 km/h. A unique variation with all the spare tire installed behind the passenger seat enabled for 2 tiny back seats, facing every additional. The introduction of left hand drive signalled Suzuki's worldwide dreams for the truck. The Hard Top was furthermore introduced whenever the LJ20 arrived, built with small, 15 inch wheels. Suzuki themselves didn't export those to America, a US organization called IEC imported them. Export Jimnys had the spare tire installed found on the outside, because Kei laws about size didn't apply.
Suzuki Jimny LJ20, note spare tire placement
Towards the finish of LJ20 creation, a cleaner 26 hp engine was introduced, a happen of ever more stringent emissions laws. Top speed was reported because 93 km/h, payload was 250 kg or 550 lb.
Suzuki Jimny 55
The LJ50 engine was initially introduced inside September 1975 for export just, with 33 hp. For the house marketplace, it initially appeared inside June 1976 because the Jimny 55 plus reflected the changing kei auto rules plus stricter emissions practices. The 539 cc 3-cylinder engine stayed a 2-stroke; when force was reduced with 26 hp more low-end torque was about provide. The 635 kg car might today hit 60 mph, as well as the spare tire was relocated outside the back door, permitting for a 4th seat. The SJ10 Jimny selected the "LJ50" name inside many export markets.
In Australia the LJ50S plus LJ50V were accessible because a softtop with soft doorways plus rear-mounted spare wheel or hardtop with full metal doorways plus outside spare wheel from distributor M.W.-Suzuki with 33 hp plus 5.85 kgf·m of torque. In May 1976, the low manufacturing LJ51P lengthy wheelbase pickup became accessible for several export markets. The house marketplace Jimny 550 received a facelift inside 1977, introducing back wheel arch metal flares along with a bigger bonnet or bonnet with cooling slots above the radiator, when the export model LJ50s were rather changed by the LJ80
The final iteration of the authentic Jimny shape was the 1977 Jimny 8, called LJ80 inside certain export markets. It was initially intended with be advertised because the Eljot inside Germany, yet copyright issues with Disney's Pete's Dragon film produced this impossible. While the SJ10 stayed inside manufacturing for the domestic Kei category, the new 1700 lb SJ20 boasted a 797 cc 4-stroke SOHC four-cylinder F8A engine capable of about 41 hp. The more force plus torque of the engine permitted the differential plus gearing with be raised for greater sailing plus offroad performance, as well as the track was widened by 4 inside.
The interior was equally improved, with fresh seats plus steering wheel. Metal doorways became accessible for the first-time inside 1979, along with a pickup truck model was accessible by April of which year too. The pickup, called "Stockman" inside Australia, had a 2200 mm wheelbase plus was 3,620 mm lengthy, compared with the 3185 mm LJ80. The Jimny 8/LJ80 was retired inside late 1981 with all the introduction of the 2nd generation Jimny.
Second generation
Second generation Suzuki Samurai SJ410 photographed inside Sérres, Greece.jpg
Additionally called Suzuki Caribbean
Suzuki Katana
Suzuki Potohar
Suzuki SJ410/413
Suzuki Samurai
Suzuki Santana
Suzuki Sierra
Chevrolet Samurai
Holden Drover
Maruti Gypsy
Production 19811998
Assembly Iwata, Japan
Bogotá, Colombia
Gurgaon, India
Bekasi, Indonesia
Nairobi, Kenya
Linares, Jaén, Spain
Bangkok, Thailand
Successor Suzuki Jimny JA12/22, JB32
Suzuki Sidekick
Suzuki X-90
Class Mini SUV
Body fashion 3-door SUV/van
2-door convertible
Layout Front engine, rear-wheel drive / four-wheel drive
Engine 539 cc LJ50 2-stroke I3
547 cc F5A I3
657 cc F6A I3
658 cc K6A I3
970 cc F10A I4
1,298 cc G13BA/G13BB I4
1,324 cc G13A I4
1,905 cc XUD 9 TD I4
Transmission 4/5-speed manual
Wheelbase 2,030 mm
2,375 mm
Length 3,1954,010 mm
Width 1,3951,535 mm
Height 1,6701,840 mm
The Suzuki SJ30 started creation inside May 1981 inside Hamamatsu, Japan. In Japan, it was available because the Suzuki Jimny plus became a kei auto, yielded with both 550 cc plus 660 cc 3-cylinder motors. The SJ-Series received a bigger engine plus was lengthened plus widened for export reasons, where it was available with a multitude of names: Suzuki SJ410/413, Suzuki Samurai, Suzuki Sierra, Suzuki Potohar, Suzuki Caribbean, Suzuki Katana, Chevrolet Samurai, Holden Drover plus Maruti Gypsy.
The SJ30 Jimny 550 was mostly for Japanese domestic marketplace usage where it suited the Kei auto category. However driven by the LJ50 engine furthermore employed inside its predecessor, the Jimny 550 was with a sizable margin the last two-stroke engine integrated Japan. Production ended with all the withdrawal of kind approval inside November 1987 inside prefer of its F5A-engined brother, the JA71. The two-stroke had been favored by Japanese off-roaders due with its superior torque.
Suzuki SJ410 - Note the Jeep badge added by the owner found on the "B" pillar
The SJ40 Jimny 1000 was introduced for 1982 with substitute the LJ80 range. The Jimny 1000, available because the Suzuki SJ410 inside many export markets, employed the F10A - a greater 1 litre variation of the LJ's 0.8 liter four-cylinder engine. This engine yielded 45 hp plus it had a top speed of 68 mph. The Japanese marketplace models reported 52 hp at 5,000 rpm.
A four-speed guide transmission was standard, because were non-power assisted drum brakes front plus back. The SJ410 came because a half-door convertible, long-wheelbase pickup truck, two-door hardtop, raised-roof hardtop, plus no-glass hardtop. In Japan, the pickup truck was intended because a bare-bones function car plus didn't obtain fender extensions, plus had diagonal wheels about black-painted steel wheels instead of the sportier wheels fitted with the normal Jimny. Maximum payload is 350 kg. Later, a covered long-wheelbase adaptation was added for export markets.
The SJ410 was furthermore yielded inside Spain by Santana Motors inside their Linares, Jaén factory because of March 1985 plus was available because a domestic car inside Europe due with its over 60% native components content, therefore evading limits about imports of Japanese-built cars. It was built just found on the brief wheelbase, because a two-door convertible plus commercial, or with all the 3 door wagon or van bodywork. Some later models of the SJ410 might change with drive brakes inside the front depending found on the factory they were prepared at. In March 1990, Santana-built versions received the same chassis developments that turned the SJ413 into the Samurai; this adaptation was available because Samurai 1.0 where it was available. Cooper Motor Corporation of Nairobi, Kenya, additionally assembled the SJ410 inside the mid-eighties.
An off-road car is regarded as any kind of car that is capable of driving about plus off paved or gravel surface. It is usually characterized by having big wheels with deep, open treads, a flexible suspension, or caterpillar tracks. Other cars which never travel public streets or highways are termed off-highway cars, including tractors, forklifts, cranes, backhoes, bulldozers, plus golfing carts.
Off-road cars have an enthusiastic following due to their numerous uses plus versatility. Many kinds of motorsports include racing off-road cars. The 3 biggest "4-wheel vehicle" off-road kinds of contests are Rally, Desert Racing, plus Rockcrawling. The 3 biggest kinds of All Terrain Car / Motorcycle contests are Motocross, Enduro, and Desert Racing like Dakar Rallye plus Baja 1000. The most commonly known utilize of these cars is for sight seeing inside regions faraway from pavement. The utilize of high clearance plus high traction cars allows access about trails plus woodland roads which have rough plus low traction surfaces.
To be capable with drive off the pavement, off-road cars want many characteristics: They need a low ground stress, thus because to not sink into soft ground, they require ground clearance not to receive hung up about difficulties, as well as have to keep their wheels or tracks found on the ground thus because to not lose traction. Wheeled cars accomplish this by having a appropriate balance of big or extra wheels combined with tall plus flexible suspension. Tracked cars accomplish this by having broad tracks along with a flexible suspension found on the road wheels.
Russian GAZ-34039
The choice of wheels versus tracks are 1 of expense plus suitability. A tracked drive-train is much more pricey with make plus keep. Wheeled drivetrains are cheaper plus provide a high top speed. The tracked drive-train has better off-road capability.
Many off-road cars are fitted with incredibly low gearing. This enables the operator with result in the nearly all of the engine's accessible force when moving gradually by challenging terrain. An internal combustion engine combined with a usual gearbox usually has an output speed too excellent. The car usually has 1 of 2 details, either a low initially gear or an extra gearbox inside line with all the initial, called a reduction drive. Some cars, like the Bv206 inside the pic found on the proper, have torque converters with further decrease the gearing.
Many wheeled off-road cars have four-wheel drive with keep traction about slippery surfaces. Vehicles tailored for employ both about plus off road can be crafted with be flipped between two-wheel drive plus four-wheel drive thus which the car utilizes fewer driven wheels whenever driven found on the road.
Copper-alloy heat exchangers like CuproBraze are very suited for off-road cars which should work for extended periods of time beneath harsh conditions without premature failures. The technologies has been utilized by Russian OEMs including Kamaz plus Ural Automotive Plant, UAZ plus GAZ, MAZ, The Finnish Radiator Manufacturing Company, Nakamura Jico Co., Ltd., Young Touchstone North America, Siemens AG Transportation Systems, plus Bombardier Transportation.
The SJ413/Samurai had a longer history inside the rest of the planet. Australian built JA51s were available because either Suzuki Sierra or Holden Drover, whilst those integrated Thailand are called Suzuki Caribbean. The Caribbean has moreover been accessible because the "Caribbean Sporty", a special LWB double cab pickup.
Due with numerous trade difficulties for Japanese vehicles, Spanish Santana Motors started neighborhood manufacturing of the SJ413 inside 1986. The Santana built SJs had softer springs for an improved on-road ride, color coordinated interiors with fabric seats plus carpeted floors, all with broaden appeal to people whom didn't intend with off-road the car. In 1989 it received several optical and chassis changes plus received the "Samurai" nameplate. Santana built Samurais didn't benefit within the up-to-date coil sprung chassis introduced inside 1998, rather getting a facelift certain with European plus neighboring markets. Around the same time, Santana moreover developed a adaptation that selected PSA's XUD 9 1.9-litre turbodiesel, producing 63 hp. Top speed was 130 km/h. Spanish Samurai manufacturing ended inside 2003.
Facelifted Indonesian marketplace "Suzuki Katana"
The Samurai was available inside Colombia plus Venezuela because Chevrolet Samurai, assembled inside Bogotá, Colombia by General Motors Colmotores. In alternative South American markets it was available because the Suzuki Samurai. Long wheelbase models were not available inside the Mercosur.
In Asia the SJ/Samurai was available below a some different names. In Thailand it was called the Suzuki Caribbean. The Thai marketplace furthermore received a specialized variation called the "Suzuki Caribbean Sporty", a pickup with an extended cab with a little back seat ideal suited for casual utilize.
The SJ410 was moreover assembled inside Indonesia, where it was advertised with different names. The authentic variation is advertised because Jimny, continuing the past LJ Jimny. The canvas soft-top model was advertised because Sierra. In the late 1980s, Suzuki introduced 4x2 variation because the Katana. Later Katanas & Jimnys received square headlights. The Katana was moreover, amazingly, selected because a basis for an Indonesian-built, 1930s' design kit-car called the Marvia Classic. In 2005, Suzuki introduced SJ413 Caribian spacecab pickup, that was imported from Thailand.
High altitude planet record
The modified car utilized inside the trip.
On April 21, 2007, the Chilean duo of Gonzalo Bravo plus Eduardo Canales forced their modified Suzuki Samurai up Ojos del Salado, past the past record set with a Jeep at 6,646 meters, setting a brand-new record for the greatest altitude achieved with a four-wheeled car at 6,688 meters.
The Samurai inside query benefitted from wheel, tire, plus suspension changes, along with a supercharged G16A 4-cylinder underhood. It was the 3rd attempt for the 2 guy team, following experiencing weather issues found on the initially attempt plus an engine fire inside the next. The past record holder's team led by Matthias Jeschke driving a Jeep Wrangler, left a signal reading "Jeep Parking Only: All others don't create it up here anyway". The Chilean team found the signal, blown down by sturdy winds, plus brought it back with civilization because a souvenir.
This record was duly qualified by the Guinness World Record inside July 2007.
Kei history
Suzuki Jimny JA71 series
In January 1986 the JA71, a four-stroke, turbocharged plus fuel-injected 543 cc three-cylinder engine was introduced with complement the two-stroke SJ30. It selected the upgraded interior within the Jimny 1300, that was simultaneously introduced with the SJ30. Power was 42 PS, though this was improved with 52 PS inside a November 1987 facelift by adding an intercooler. A non-intercooled, 38 PS engine was available inside the lowest spec Van variation. At the same time, a glassed high-roof adaptation was added.
660 cc Era
The JA71 was changed inside March 1990 by the modern JA11 because brand-new Kei category laws took impact. Then with 657 cc about provide, the otherwise synonymous F6A engine just came with an intercooler plus 55 PS. A utilitarian van, plus more luxurious Hardtop, Convertible, plus Panoramic Roof versions were about provide. The suspension was additionally upgraded, when a longer front bumper meant which the foglights can be installed inside front of the grille instead of inside it. In June 1991, energy was improved with 58 PS along with a year later force steering plus automatic transmission became accessible for the very first time. Top speed of the adaptation was 120 km/h. In February 1995 energy improved with 64 PS, yet manufacturing of the JA11 ended just 9 months later with all the introduction of the coil sprung JA12/22.
Coilspring version
Second generation Suzuki Jimny JA12W 001.JPG
Suzuki Jimny JA12W series
Production 19951998
Assembly Iwata, Japan
Predecessor Suzuki SJ series
Class Mini SUV
Body fashion 2-door SUV
2-door convertible
Layout Front engine, rear-wheel drive / four-wheel drive
Engine 657 cc F6A I3
658 cc K6A I3
1,298 cc G13BA/G13BB I4
Transmission 5-speed manual
3-speed automatic
Wheelbase 2,030 mm
Length 3,2953,430 mm
Width 1,3951,550 mm
Height 1,6701,825 mm
The Samurai continued for sale outside the United States, with a significant update inside November 1995. This included a coil spring suspension, though the live axles were retained. The rest of the truck was redesigned too, with hot seats, dashboard, steering wheel, plus doorways joining a more "macho" outdoor.
The JA12 utilized the 657 cc F6A within the JA11 three-cylinder whilst the JA22 received the newly developed plus more effective K6A - though with abide by the Kei Jidosha laws said output was 64 hp for both motors. The JB32 received the bigger 85 hp, 1.3 litre G13BB 16-valve engine was somewhat longer plus wider due with bigger bumpers plus fenders. This was the model watched inside many export markets, though abroad it was generally loaded with the eight-valve, 70 hp G13BA engine rather.
Not all models were up-to-date still, with all the authentic narrow SJ410 nevertheless inside manufacturing inside several nations. While the 3rd generation Jimny changed the Jimny/Samurai inside many markets following 1998, it nevertheless remains inside manufacturing inside India.
SUV's are built with high ground clearance for off-road employ and therefore have a high center of gravity, consequently improving the danger of rollover. When an SUV turns, the vehicle's mass resists the turn plus carries the fat forward, therefore permitting the traction within the wheels with create a lateral centripetal force because the car continues by the turn. The conflict between your top fat of the SUV's want with go directly whilst the friction of the wheels found on the road cause the bottom of the car with move away plus out from beneath the car throughout a turn.
Pickups plus SUVs are more probably with be inside rollover injuries than passenger vehicles. According with a research performed inside the United States, pickups have twice the fatality rate of vehicles plus SUVs have almost triple the fatality rate inside rollover injuries. Of cars inside the United States, light pickups represent 36 % of all subscribed cars. These are typically concerned inside regarding half of the fatal two-vehicle accidents with passenger vehicles, plus 80 % of these deaths are with occupants of the passenger vehicles.
At the 1997 Tokyo Motor Show, Suzuki presented the all-new Jimny with a more contemporary shape. A ladder sort chassis along with a double ratio transfer case was retained, unlike countless contending compact 4WDs that shortage a low range, plus are purely inside the crossover category. Two bodystyles are obtainable in export markets: a standard difficult top as well as the Canvas Top, introduced at the Barcelona Motor Show inside May 1999 plus was built just by Santana inside Spain between 1999 plus 2009. The Jimny changed the prevalent Sierra/Samurai model inside many markets, though its predecessor remains inside limited creation inside several places. For the domestic marketplace, a 660 cc K6A-engined variation suited for the Kei Jidosha class answers for many Jimny sales.
The bigger 1.3-litre Jimny was initially loaded with the G13BB engine additionally chosen inside the JB32. The 80 hp G13BB engine was changed inside Japan with all the January 2000 introduction of the newly crafted VVT 16-valve M-engine, yet soldiered about inside Spanish-built softtops till 2005. For the diesel loving continental European marketplace, inside 2004 the turbodiesel Jimny JB53 was introduced, built by Santana plus utilizing a Renault-built DDiS 1,461 cc K9K engine. Power was initially 65 hp however, was improved with 86 hp inside 2005, the same because inside gasoline versions. It remains unavailable inside Britain plus Ireland.
Jimny attributes a element time 4WD program. On its dashboard, there are 3 buttons - 2WD, 4WD plus 4WD-L. The 2WD is standard whenever it runs because RWD. Whenever 4WD is pushed, the front wheels are moreover involved because drive with excellent gears. The 4WD-L engages front wheels in addition to low ratio gears. Being a piece time 4WD, there is not a center differential or viscous coupling. The Jimny ought not to be driven about usual road surface inside 4WD mode.
The Jimny's vacuum-locking hubs let the car with be changed from 2WD with 4WD whilst going at as much as 100 km/h. Shifting with low range demands the car with be stopped, yet there is not a should leave the car. Newer Jimnys feature electronic push-button selectable four-wheel drive, that needs the car with be stopped with all the clutch depressed plus transmission inside neutral with choose low range.
1999 Suzuki Jimny JLX JB33
The Jimny attributes big windows, providing good awareness, aside from a quite severe blind place caused by the oversized "B" pillar. The big amount of glass furthermore creates a greenhouse impact, as well as the Jimny comes with air conditioner because a standard feature inside certain areas.
In Europe, both Hard Top plus Canvas Top versions come inside JX plus JLX requirements. These are very standard designations over the Suzuki off road range, with all the JLX being the completely optioned "luxury" variation. In the case of the Jimny, the JLX adds rooftop rails, energy steering, force windows, force adjustable outdoor mirrors, plus many inside comfort improvements. Both models are accessible with a 5-speed guide or 4-speed automatic gearbox. There is furthermore a 2WD way, just accessible because a 5-speed guide.
In 2009 Santana Motor of Spain stopped the agreement with Suzuki with result in the Canvas Top variation, that because then is not a longer accessible. In 2011 Santana Motor went bankrupt. The Souza Ramos Group of Brasil, whom selected with create Mitsubishi vehicles below license, usually begin production the Suzuki Jimny inside 2012 inside Brasil with pay the lost of manufacturing ability from Santana Motor. It is unknown yet when the Canvas Top adaptation is produced equally inside Brasil. Since 2009, inside certain nations like Spain, Suzuki no longer help the vehicles that have been produced by Santana Motor, arguing which they are not Suzuki vehicles however Santana's vehicles.
As inside Japan, Jimnys inside Australia have borne the name Jimny Sierra because 2007, mostly due with the Sierra name having become synonymous with tiny, capable off-road cars. Because 1999, GM Colmotores have been assembling the 1.3-litre, 79 hp JB33 with all the name "Chevrolet Jimny" inside Bogotá, Colombia. The Jimny is additionally accessible because a grey-import inside Singapore